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Web DevelopmentMySQLPHPJavaScriptCMS
MooToolsSitebuilding, HTML, CSSWebdesignMaintenancePortal developmentIdentity designGraphic design, flyers, business cardsSEO (search engine optimalization)Newsletter sendingPhotoshopLogo designPre-pressPayPal developmentjQueryBooking systemsDrawings, graphicsFacebook connectionFlash bannersZend FrameworkBank Card PaymentFlashAwardsWebshop-developmentXML-exportResponsive sitebuildingSmartyExcel import/export3DJoomla
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AL-DA AMS Creative Aquila Bus / EAgent Artamax Auth clinic
Balázs-Diák Ltd / iDoctum Budapest Government / Főszinform / Artamax Café del Rio / Artamax Chess Restaurant / Artamax Clubs and Jobs Danube Destinations / Artamax Diatech / KépStúdió Duna House EAgent Enigma WebStudio (EWS) ExpertLAN EZ Park / Artamax Fausto / Artamax GravisArt / EAgent Hardcastle Trading AG / Artamax HerberHausner / EAgent Hilton / Artamax Hoppi / Artamax HRN Europe / Artamax HungaroControl / KépStúdió IOTA / Artamax IPM KajakJó Furniture / EAgent Katona Winery / Képstúdió KFKI (Magfizikai Intézet) Kirowski Lizard Publishing & Marketing Ltd / Artamax Locust Tree Apartments Lucky Adventures Matektanárok Maxplast Orvostechnika Zrt / EAgent Other Party Caesar Perényi Salon PlatinumShop / EAgent RainbowInk ReanalKer / Eagent Reneszánsz Zrt / AMS Creative Royal Exclusive Rustic / Artamax SafeSoft / EAgent School-Túra Diákszövetkezet Socotex Súlypont Bt Természet-SN gardening services Trófea Grill / Artamax Umirs VGF / KépStúdió Wall Street Budapest / Artamax WellBeing WellStar Workside World Auction Zomputer
Math teachers webdesign (12 color variants))
Date: 2014-09
Client: Matektanárok
Categories: Graphic design, flyers, business cards, Identity design, Photoshop, Webdesign
12 courses, 12 color variants